Shipping & Returns

Due to the nature and price point of our items, unfortunately we do not offer returns or exchanges at this time. If you have any concerns about the products you have received, then please reach out to us through the 'Contact Us' form with your order number and we will be happy to help you asap to work something out.

We also do not ship internationally at this time. However, if you would like to order our items from a country outside of the United States, then please reach out to us using the 'Contact Us' form and we will get back to you on how we can get the items shipped to you personally. <3

Lost/Stolen Packages: We are not liable for any damages or lost items during the shipping process, as we obtain proof of postage for all items that are sent. We are also not responsible for lost or stolen packages after tracking shows delivered.  Please contact USPS or UPS for lost or stolen packages.

Thank you for shopping at ShopHeartNymii Stationery! We appreciate each and every one of you. :)